
I have always loved art. I started drawing and painting as a child.
Aside from reading and writing, this was one of my favorite hobbies.
Here are a few sketches I did in high school and college.
Someday, I think it would be fun to illustrate my own book.

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This is my favorite one. I saw a photograph like this in a magazine ad and had to try to draw it. They had such beautiful faces and I loved the idea of them holding hands with the ‘worlds’ around their wrists. I was 20 years old when I drew this.

“The Dress”
I always loved Norman Rockwell’s work. I must have seen this piece somewhere and been inspired to sketch it. What girl hasn’t felt like this with a beautiful dress? I was 19 years old.

“Full Court”
This was from freshman year at The University of Iowa, I was 19. I was a sports reporter and drew this from a photograph that I saw in the paper. 

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“The Boss”
I was 18 years old when I drew this from an album cover. Can you tell whose music & concerts I loved in high school?

“I’m Reading!”
This is a door hanger that I made for my oldest child’s kindergarten class.  The character came from a library bookmark. I wanted to help celebrate the 5-year-olds excitement over learning to read. 

"The Runner"
This was from an ad that I saw when I was 20 years old. I thought it was a great way for me to practice depth with shadowing.

